

In Studio or At Your Home Training

Please realize we have limited personal training slots available so fill out the coaching application and we’ll be in touch with our availability!


Here’s how it works:


Fill out a comprehensive questionnaire so we can learn more about your health history, exercise experience, goals, concerns, realistic amount of time to exercise, etc.

Initial Chat

20-30 minute phone call/Facetime/Zoom to get to know you and your needs a little better. It will also clarify objectives and outcomes and answer any questions.

Program Design

After we get to know you, your goals, and time to exercise, we will send you a comprehensive workout program. The program will include videos and detailed instructions on how to complete your program.

Weekly Check-Ins

To help with accountability and keep you on task, you will receive a personalized message each week. This will also allow you to ask questions and receive clarification.


Weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly phone call/FaceTime/Zoom calls for those who need/want extra personal communication and accountability – this provides you with the necessary resources to keep you on point.

Coaching Application

If you’re serious about making changes to your health and fitness, please answer the following questions. We’re interested in helping those who are tired of being sick and tired and want to achieve their fullest potential. If we determine it’s the right fit, we’ll get in touch and go from there.

Are you interested in online or in person training?(Required)
On a scale of 1-10 how satisfied are you with where you are right now?(Required)
On a scale of 1-10 how ready are you to make a change (1- not ready at all/10 completely ready)?(Required)