
Passionate Trainer

With over 30 years experience.

Training & Coaching

Online Courses

Workout Tips

Interested In Training?

Here’s how to get started:

In-Person Introduction

We will begin with an in-person introduction for us to get to know you and for you to learn a little about us, too.

Fitness Assessment

Then we will go through a fitness assessment that will analyze your strengths and weaknesses and also include a review of your nutrition and lifestyle habis.

Start Your Personalized Training

We design your program to be challenging but manageable so that you progress and enjoy each and every workout. The program will adapt as you do and we will periodically re-evaluate your fitness goals.

Freedom 4 Life Fitness is here to help you reach your health and fitness goals!

Lead the life you’ve always wanted, at any age, anywhere – we can do this!

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